Amy W. Vogel



Story Coach

At my core, I am a spiritual storyteller who empowers women to heal and find their voice to discover how to impact this world for the better.

Stories stay with us. Stories get into our blood, down in our bones, and lead us to the truth about who we are meant to be. Even a story you don’t like can move you forward in your path of healing, hope, and transformation.

A well-told story can change the course of history, as a shining beacon of hope or the seed that topples empires. Stories create holy moments of connection and show us we are not alone.

I write books, speak to groups, and coach other women to find their own stories and the best ways to tell them. Every story I tell relates to my spiritual foundation and experience in becoming who I was created to be.

Read and listen to any of my work and you’ll see, all of these endeavors have one purpose. We are here to catch a vision of how to impact this world and leave it for the better.

Let’s partner together today.