Amy W. Vogel Profile Image

Hey Friends! I'm Amy Vogel.
I'm for giving hope, finding vision, and doing it all through a story.

I have been immersed in stories my whole life but only thought about the power of it at age 35 when I started writing on a whim. Since then, I have become an accomplished author, speaker, and podcaster, focusing on crafting stories that bring hope, healing, and vision, whether through fiction or in real life.

With three published books of my own and more to come, I also help coach others on telling their stories. I love learning, and my passion is to help people understand their inherent worth and goodness.

To learn more about me, below are some featured articles, or click on the links to listen to the podcasts I’ve had the honor of being a guest on, click over to my “podcasts & digital resources” page!

Featured Articles:

Contact me.

I would love to tell you the inspiration behind my work and help you find your vision for your story. There is more than enough for everyone, so let me know how we can work together!

You can also reach me at I can’t wait to talk with you!